martes, 5 de julio de 2011

A Time For Pruning

So, since the programs merged this week, God answered a prayer by not leaving me as the only one who speaks Spanish. The Christian program and the secular program are still split, we are all just living in the same place. The Christian camp works with the boys here at the orphanage in the morning by doing a Bible lesson with them and working out alongside them in the fields. This week we have been going over the fruit of the Spirit. Last week they learned about love, yesterday they learned about joy, and today they learned about patience and peace.

In the afternoons we hold camp at a small church somewhere in Jaibon.It's only Tuesday and it has been a difficult week. Abby and I are program leading this week in addition to leading stations. Like last week, I am helping lead the English station. It has been very interesting working with two other people in leading it, though. The first day for our station at camp was not very successful. However, the Lord is teaching me patience in every way possible, I think, over and over again. Today, camp went a little bit better. One girl told me afterwards that the English station was her favorite. I told her I didn't believe her, but she insisted. I'm glad we are reaching someone. Although, I really would love for them to love the Bible station even more. We only have three stations at this camp because of our small number of volunteers this week (due to the 4th of July). The three stations are Bible, English, and arts/crafts.

In addition to the trials of leadership, the Lord has been convicting me left and right, especially today. We finished studying Ephesians yesterday, and started 2 Thessalonians today. Whoa. Did it blow my mind. Literally, every aspect of Chapter 1 convicted me. It kind of hurts when the Lord prunes you. Am I growing in my faith? Is my love for those around me increasing? Am I thanking the Lord for my brothers and sisters in Christ? Am I seeing others as the Lord sees them? Do I have His eyes and His heart for them??? Today was a wake up call for me. How many faces, when I look around here, will I see in heaven?? Let's be real about it. Heaven is not where everyone goes when they die, otherwise what would be the point? And it's not about good works, because we could never do enough good works to cover the abundance of our sin. (ref. Eph 2:8). It's about trusting our lives in Jesus, that He went to the cross holy and undefiled and paid our ransom. He shed His blood in my place. His death was not in vain. I believe that with my whole heart. And because I believe it, I must share it. I want everyone to know Him, and to know Him deeply. When I look around, and I see all these faces, my heart breaks. Why have I not been sharing? Each and every person's life is a thread away from heaven or hell. No one ever wants to talk about hell, but it's just as real as heaven ever will be.

Oh how great is our God!

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